South Boston Branch hosts another Art Auction in Andover, MA!


On April 10th, 2016, Alice Yu, Meira Xu, Christie Yu, Melinda Yu, Yifei Zheng, May Zheng, Joanne Zhou, and Brandon Xu of the South Boston Branch hosted a very successful art auction at the Pike School in Andover, Massachusetts to fundraise for severe burn victims Tingting and Hanhan, two children from China. Tingting lost a leg to both a television explosion, and then an automobile accident, and Hanhan suffered severe burns to the face as a ten month old. Volunteers of the South Boston Branch hope their love and efforts will help Tingting and Hanhan recover from their physical and emotional trauma. Thank you to the volunteers for spending the time to ensure those less fortunate have an opportunity and future of health and happiness!

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Updated: October 21, 2016 — 10:09 pm

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