Twin Cities Branch: Planting in Liu Ming Yuan at Phalen Park(6/11/23)

On June 10 &11th, 8 AYLUS members volunteered varied shifts at Phalen Park and helped plant at the Liu Ming Yuan Garden. Work included activities such as planting plants, digging up dirt, and watering plants. Although labor intensive, it was so fun to engage in hands-on activities such as this event and slowly watching the garden come to life. We hope to be back whenever possible to help out with this big project!
Claire Cao (7 hrs), Ellen Yuan (3.5 hrs), Olivia Peng (3.5 hrs), Penny Pang (3.5 hrs), Jerry Lin (3.5 hrs), Nickole Lin (3.5 hrs), Jeffrey Chen (3.5 hrs), Thomas Chen (3.5 hrs)