Riverside County AYLUS Hosts Final Park Clean-Up of the Year on December 28th, 2023

On December 28th, RCA members Evan Chang, Kyan Chang, Sophie Chung, Sierra Kusek, Keegan Kusek and Holiday Rothermund helped clean up the local park as well as the adjacent area from any trash that was littered along the walkways and the greeneries. As the weather was unusually warm, the group decided to take advantage of it and met up to clear the trash by using grabbers and plastic bags.

At the end of the clean up the trash was properly disposed of.

By helping to keep the environment clean the local flora and fauna will continue to thrive. The Riverside County branch has since its inception done these park clean-ups on a regular basis. It helps remind everyone to keep the beauty of our parks not for granted and it sets an example to others to be more mindful of our environment.


Kyan Chang 1 hr.
Evan Chang, Holiday Rothermund, Sophie Chung, Sierra Kusek and Keegan Kusek 1.5 hrs. each

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