2023/11/5 AYLUS Dix Hills works with the LISOC to expand the students knowledge.

Dix Hills Aylus Volunteers at  Sunday Long Island Chinese School on November 5th


Aylus volunteers once again works as an assistant in helping teachers at the Long Island Chinese School in helping and teaching students.


One of their main responsibilities was to assist in the preparation of teaching materials. This involved passing out worksheets, assembling learning materials, and ensuring all resources were available for teachers, such as expo markers and erasers. Our dedicated volunteers consistently ensured that the classrooms were well-organized, helping to create an engaging learning environment.


Volunteers were actively involved in providing support to students during their lessons. They offered assistance to those who needed it and created an atmosphere where students felt comfortable seeking help. This helped struggling students understand the material more effectively.


One of our primary objectives was to maintain a productive classroom atmosphere. We worked closely with teachers to reinforce attention among students. Our volunteers made sure that students remained focused on their tasks, completed assignments, and followed classroom rules.


Our volunteer efforts have made a positive impact on Long Island Chinese School. The students have shown improvements in their academic performance, and their engagement in the classroom has increased.


Volunteers: Jason Chen (3.5 hours), Ru Xue Jiang (3 hours), Lilian Chen (3 hours), Zishan Ji (3 hours), Ming Chen (3 hours)

Updated: November 7, 2023 — 11:56 pm

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