AYLUS Bellaire volunteered at Bread of Life on September 2, 2023

On September 2, 2023, members of AYLUS Bellaire volunteered with Bread of Life near St. John’s Downtown Church.


From 9:00am to 12:00pm, members worked with Bread of Life volunteers and volunteers from other organizations to distribute fresh produce and other foods to people. The distribution took place outside under the highway.


Before the distribution began at 10am, the volunteers were sorted to work at various stations. Each station was assigned a food to prepare, including rice, papaya, watermelon, chips, oranges, corn, peaches, cucumbers, and other foods. Activities included bagging oranges, peaches, and corn, respectively, while disposing of the expired produce. A line of cars formed at the other side of the traffic light, waiting for the distribution to begin.


At 10am, volunteers began placing the food from their station onto cars as they drove from station to station. Something special was that each car had a number written into the top right of its windshield, referring to the number of papaya they wanted. At around 11am, volunteers began to run out of food, and the distribution ended soon after.


Afterward, volunteers helped clean up remaining trash and take materials, such as tables and traffic cones, back to the church storage room.


8 volunteers participated in this event (3 hours): Zhen Li, Alexander Tang, Daniel Wu, Owen Cheng, Raymond Han, Victoria Wang, Andrew Chen, and Yuruo Shen.


Reported by Yuruo Shen

Updated: September 25, 2023 — 4:55 pm

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