AYLUS Main Line Collects the First Batch of Book Donations 5-16-2023

Reported By: Emily Zou 

On May 16th, 2023, volunteers from the AYLUS Main Line branch prepared for the upcoming book drive by collecting the first batch of book donations, which started on May 1st. Emily, Melissa, and Celina categorized the books into eight groups based on their genres and put a sticker of different colors on each book. They selected more than half of the books to be preserved for a free library, while the rest would be sold to raise funds for purchasing a weather-resistant book cabinet. The volunteers also made plans to consult with school organizations and local community events to further advertise the drive, and roles for the actual book fair were defined.

* As of 5/21, a total of 123 books had been collected, and our goal is to reach 200 books by the end of the first drive.


(5 hrs): Emily Zou (collected book donations and donated 6 books)

(4 hrs): Celina Zhang (donated 6 books)

(3 hrs): Melissa Fan (donated 3 books)

(2 hrs): Sophia Yu (donated 6 books)



Updated: January 21, 2024 — 4:25 am

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