Greater Memphis Branch Tutors Different Subjects during Early March

On March 1st, Emily Zhao and Mandy completed art, reading, and math problems. They went over the 3 and 4 times tables and practiced memorizing them.

On March 5th, Eunice Yi and Joyce worked on volume and length conversions. They also did reading comprehension on predictions, cause and effect, and figurative language.

On March 6th, Karis Ko and Chris talked about different planet names and words associated with astronomy.

On March 12th, Eunice Yi and Joyce reviewed metric conversions, and practiced converting meters, centimeters, and millimeters.



Volunteers: Emily Zhao (1 hr), Eunice Yi (2.5 hrs), Karis Ko (1.5 hrs)

Updated: June 21, 2021 — 3:48 pm

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