Category: MurrietaBranch

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 45th) ( 2/11/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao: On February 11, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers led the residents through chair yoga, helping them stretch and build up strength. After exercise, the residents were given cranberry juice or water and were given a choice of chocolate pudding or […]

Murrieta AYLUS Lends a Hand to The Little Garden of Hope Project (27th ) (2/10/2024)

Reported by Caien(Daisy) Chen : On February 10th, 2024, AYLUS members of the Murrieta branch worked on Jacob’s Garden. Members started by loosening the soil with a shovel, then pouring fertilizer over it. A variety of plants were planted including onions, radishes, and lettuce. Then, members cleaned up the perimeter of the garden by trimming […]

Murrieta AYLUS Volunteers at Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley #16– ABWK Senior Home Painting Project (1/27/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Saturday, January 27, Murrieta AYLUS members participated in the A Brush with Kindness program. The volunteers set up tarps around the home, taping down paper and taping up the edges to make sure the work was clean. Careful to cut around the edges of the windows and doors, the […]

Murrieta AYLUS Volunteers at Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley #15– ABWK Senior Home Painting Project (1/13/2024)

Reported by Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu : On January 13th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members helped paint houses with the Habitat for Humanity. After the supervisors went over ladder safety rules and tips on painting, the volunteers lined up and each got a bucket of paint, a brush, and a roller. Everyone spread out about the house […]

Murrieta AYLUS Lends a Hand to The Little Garden of Hope Project (25th ) (1/5/2024)

Reported by Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu : On January 5th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members helped out with the Little Garden of Hope Project. After greeting the staff of Jacob’s House, the members headed to the garden. They split into different groups, each taking on a different task. Some worked on manually watering each bed and others […]

Murrieta AYLUS Hosts Recycling Event to Help Rescued Animals # 14 (12/21 &12/22/2023)

Reported by Jessica Lu: On December 21st, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS recycled their bottles. Members had previously already separated their bottles into plastics and cans so it made the whole process go much faster. They put plastics into one bucket and aluminum into another. After selling them, members made $13.04 and they hope to gather more […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 38th) ( 12/10/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao: On Sunday, December 10, Murrieta AYLUS members lended a hand to local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers arrived to assist with the residents’ pool noodle workout, then helped them stretch out their muscles. They then poured lemonade and water for the residents to hydrate, before taking the […]

Murrieta AYLUS Hosts a Beach Cleanup (11th) (12/09/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Saturday, December 9, Murrieta AYLUS members conducted a beach cleanup. They began with looping around the park area, which wasn’t as populated as usual. Finding remaining pieces of food wrappers and other miscellaneous plastics, they then went down to the shore. Finding pieces of plastic tangled inside seaweed, they […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 37th) ( 12/03/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Sunday, December 3, Murrieta AYLUS members lended a hand to local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers assisted the seniors with their workout, collecting their pool noodles and leading them through stretches. Then, as snack and drink time arrived, the volunteers poured cranberry juice, water, and […]

Murrieta AYLUS Volunteers at Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley #14– ABWK Senior House Yard Work(12/02/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao: On Saturday, December 2, Murrieta AYLUS members lended a hand to Habitat for Humanity’s senior yard work project. They began the day with a project meeting where the volunteers were split into groups. During the meeting, some of the volunteers received recognition for their participation in many Habitat for Humanity events. […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 36th) ( 11/26/2023)

Reported by Hsin Chen (Julie) Lu On November 26th, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members helped out their local senior center, Atria Park of Vintage Hills. Upon arriving, the members signed themselves in before heading to the icecream parlor down the hall. They worked together in serving the customers that came in, one scooping the icecream while […]

Murrieta AYLUS Hosts Recycling Event to Help Rescued Animals # 13 (11/20/2023)

On Nov. 20, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members continue raising money from recycling for their local animal shelters. Members recycled the bottles / cans at their home and sorted the plastic and aluminum cans to different containers at the recycling center. total earned 17.39 dollars. Volunteers : Aiying Lu / Wei Liu / Hsin Chen (Julie) Lu […]