Spring 2022 East Cobb Branch Clothes/Toys Donation Drive

In April 2022, the following members of the East Cobb Branch participated in the Spring Clothes and Toys Donation Drive and donated clothes and toys to Goodwill.

Goodwill is a company that accepts used items, mostly clothing and then sells it for a very cheap price. Goodwill was founded in Boston by Reverend Edgar J. Helms, a Methodist minister and early social innovator. Helms created the Goodwill philosophy of “not charity, but a chance” when he collected used household goods and clothing in wealthier areas of the city, then trained and hired people who were poor to mend and repair the used goods. The goods were then sold or given to the people who repaired them. Nearly 120 years later, Goodwill remains a household name and leading nonprofit provider of educational and workforce-related services.

Harry Yang, 4/17 (3 hours)

Amily Sun, 4/30 (4 hours)

Isabel Liu, 4/30 (3 hours)

Samuel Lu, 6/30 (4 hours)










Updated: May 10, 2023 — 6:06 pm

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