AYLUS Syosset Offers a Japanese Language and Culture Tutoring Class(8/31/21, #7)

On 8/31/2021, A member of the Syosset AYLUS branch (Aika Suizu) taught a sixty-minute Japanese class to multiple high school students, each with differing degrees of proficiency and familiarity with the Japanese language and culture. The establishment of this class seeks to permeate the interest and knowledge in Japanese culture and language throughout society.


Class started with a review of some vocabulary centered around common household items such as umbrellas, envelopes, and tape. Additional Vocabulary involved time/day, weather, and nationality. Vocabulary consisted of a variety of kanji, katakana, and hiragana.
Students then repeated each word and wrote the vocab on their own for comprehension.
Teachers cleared up any confusion about pronunciation and writing.
The main focus of the class was learning about time using kanji 時(used for hour), 分 (used for minutes), and 半 (half an hour). Students practiced abbreviating sentences using these kanji as well as numbers along with.
Numbers in kanji previously reviewed were used with 時 and 分. The teacher went over specific usage and dialogues.
Finally, Dialogue about a conversation was presented. Two students repeated each person’s conversation and reviewed it for comprehension. The teacher went over phrases, words, kanji, and terms that were confusing.


The following students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: Aika Suizu (1 hour) and Jessica Albrecht (1 hour).

Updated: March 31, 2022 — 9:31 pm

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