Oct 31, 2020, East Cobb Branch Census 2020 Phone Banking XII

On October 31st, one AYLUS member worked with GIACE to reach out to the people of Georgia and remind them to vote. GIACE stands for Georgia Immigrant Alliance for Civic Empowerment and empowers the voice of immigrants who would normally not be heard. Phone banking was the method used because there was two-way communication between the volunteer and the person being called.

When the meeting started, volunteers from different organizations like CPACS (Center for Pan Asian Community Services) lead a training session that taught new members how to use the site, van.statevoices.org as well as how to use the script and what to do in certain situations. The script had what volunteers needed to say as well as questions to ask. New volunteers were given the opportunity to practice the script on other members who pretended to be uncooperative or confused.

The members enjoyed the experience of being able to help their community in a new way.

Reported by David Liu

Attendance: David Liu (2.5 hours)





Updated: December 4, 2020 — 10:17 pm

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