San Jose Branch Members at Sacred Heart Service Center

During the week of March 28th, members of the San Jose Branch of AYLUS devoted their time from their spring break to help others in need at Sacred Heart Service Center. There, volunteers were in charge of either food or clothes in the warehouse. In the pantry, volunteers packed food items into bags that were ready to be taken by the less fortunate. As a long line of customers waited to pick up their food, volunteers worked relentlessly to ensure that the line was moving smoothly. On the other side was the clothes area. Customers were able to pick out the clothes they wanted in their designated time frame and within the limit count. Some volunteers worked behind a counter to “check” the items out, while other customers sorted and hung clothes on racks for the customers. All in all, this experience was very valuable to all of us because we got hands on experience with people.





Updated: March 30, 2016 — 1:39 am

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