On July 8, 2020, student members of the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA), Kevin Song and Karen Yang, teamed up and taught kids from West Windsor in the subjects of math. The 1.5-hour class offered by GPA members Karen Yang and Kevin Song teach Pre-Algebra class to 6 kids: Kathy, Victor, Claire, Meisu, Claire, and Mia.
This week was when we continued learning about ratios. The students began by asking questions about the homework they did and then began with warm up questions on ratios. Then, we taught content on proportions, unit conversions and sprinkled “You try” problems in between the content to give the kids a hands on experience with tackling these problems. Finally, we introduced the homework and gave the kids a Kahoot on ratios, proportions and Unit conversions. We’ll be having class on Sunday!