Greater Princeton AYLUS Tutoring Students Out of School during COVID-19 Outbreak (3rd) on March 20, 2020

On March 20, 2020, to continue supporting the COVID-19 outbreak emergency response, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) members tutored students in China. Before the live classes, Sarah and Amber prepared their teaching resources by finding level-appropriate reading materials and sending them to students. During the one-hour class, they each read and analyzed The New York Times articles and several poems, practiced having an English conversation, followed by reviewing vocab from the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshops. Both tutors and students enjoyed the classes. It was great to see the Chinese students have a growing confidence in their English.

The tutoring project planned to hold multiple sessions through the end of March. Each week, GPA members Amber Yu and Sarah Yan each paired up with a student and helped them with English reading, writing, having conversations, singing songs, and much more via WeChat or Zoom. The volunteers hope to provide more resources to support the Chinese students who cannot go back to their classrooms. By building relationships and connecting with students that are having a hard time, the GPA members are making a positive impact on their lives during this very challenging time, and likely sparking a change that they will remember forever.

Participants (1.5 hour for both): Sarah Yan and Amber Yu


Updated: March 24, 2020 — 12:51 pm

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