Murrieta AYLUS Lends a Hand to The Little Garden of Hope Project (58th) (3/1/2025)

On March 1, 2025, Murrieta AYLUS members returned to the garden to check on the sprouts they transplanted a week ago. The lettuce is growing healthy and is expected to be ready for harvest in a week or two. However, the tomato and cabbage haven’t grown much due to the recent chilly weather. And there were no signs of the cucumber sprouts planted two weeks ago, but members were hoping they will sprout once the weather warms up.

Volunteers :

Audrey Hsieh / Ethan Hsieh / Allison Hsieh / YiMing Zhong : 10 am – 11:30 am / 1.5 hrs ea

Updated: March 6, 2025 — 8:16 am

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