On Saturday, March 1st, the Aylus Great Neck Branch Hosted an AAPI program at the Station Library. When the volunteers arrived they set up the chairs and tables in preparation for all the children. Once the children had arrived Goldman Tian and Rebecca Xu began by reading the books “Dim Sum, Here We Come” by Maple Lam and “A Big Mooncake for Little Star” by Grace Lin. They also asked engaging questions during the storytelling. After the storytelling, volunteers Andrew Li,Rebecca Xu and Irene Jiang gathered art materials and taught arts and crafts with the children by using plates, pipe cleaners, and markers to create animals as well as some coloring activities and origami. Throughout all this, the other volunteers Adele Wang, Rainie Cheng, were teaching interesting and colorful crochet designs to others as well as working on their own projects. The children learned alot from the event and are believed to come again next week due to their enjoyment.
Report by Goldman Tian
Andrew Li (1.5hrs), Rebecca Xu(2hrs), Irene Jiang (1.5hrs), Adele Wang(2hrs), Rainie Cheng(1.5hrs) Goldman Tian(1.5hrs)