Reported by Anson Ye
On 11/23/24, members of AYLUS Syosset cooperated with members of AYLUS Great Neck at the Bethpage State Park to rake debris and rip off tarps that the park had previously placed down. Members from both branches first used rakes and shovels to dispose of debris such as leaves and branches that had accumulated from the surrounding trees and area. This revealed multiple tarps that the park had stapled down in an unsuccessful attempt at preventing the growth of invasive plant species. Members used utility knifes as well as shovels to pry off the tarps stapled into the ground and dispose of them. Helping the park remove these tarps was vital as this would allow the park to introduce native plant species by mending the soil and killing off invasive plant species still present within the soil.
Members that participated include (All 2 hours): Anson Ye, Vincent Ye, Jonathan Bao, Shirley Pan, Bryan Wan, Winston Cheung, David Guo, Zigi Xu, and Katharine Xu.