AYLUS Cheshire Fundraises Through Pre-Selling Krispy Kreme Donuts – 7/14/24

Reported by: Valerie Zheng

On July 14th, 2024, AYLUS Cheshire Branch presold forty four orders of Krispy Kreme Donuts at the AYLUS barbeque fundraiser. This was done through Krispy Kreme’s donut fundraiser program, which is available to non-profit organizations. Advertising this event was done through Cheshire’s Parks and Recreation, as well as through other social medias. All funds from this event were split between purchasing the donuts and collected to donate to the local high school. Below are some pictures from the event.

Raine Ma: 6
Valerie Zheng: 8
Bradley Fang: 3
Arthur Hu: 2
David Cheng: 3
James Fan: 1
Alvan Liu: 6

Updated: August 1, 2024 — 4:01 am

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