AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families Through NOSH Delivery! Food Pantry (11th) on July 16th, 2024

On Tuesday, July 16th, from 9:00 AM–1:00 PM, the Roslyn Branch of AYLUS volunteered and helped out the community food drive/pantry called Nosh Delivery, in which we helped out the workers with their food pantry, giving out food products and produce out to people.

When we first arrive at the food pantry, we are tasked with helping bag the groceries for the delivery services made. We all then quickly helped restock the food products before it was open to the customers/shoppers. When they opened the pantry to the customers, we started to help the customers walking in and also helped restock food products when there were less customers. It was a very fun experience and it helped us gain experience.

Today, we have learned that we should try our best to provide and assist our community and that we should never take things for granted. Being able to spend our time and assist Nosh Delivery in distributing food out to people helps us understand how much of a difference we can make to our community rather than spending our time on electronics.

Participants volunteering today include:
Anita Chen (10th Grade) – 4 Hours, Katrina Chen (9th Grade) – 4 Hours, Letao Tao (8th Grade) – 4 Hours

Reporter: Katrina Chen

Updated: July 19, 2024 — 2:57 am

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