Pearland Branch Supported Ed White Elementary School’s Field Day on June 4, 2024

Pearland volunteers arrived at Ed White Elementary School early in the morning to assist with the end-of-year field day. As a long-time partner of AYLUS Pearland, Ed White Elementary benefited from the dedication and support of our volunteers. They were assigned to various game stations, where they helped organize students, distribute supplies, and interact with the kids. Hundreds of students participated in the event, making it a memorable day for all.

Volunteers (4.5 hours):

Jonathan Niu, Matthew Niu, Christy Zheng, Alvin Zheng, Sean Luan, Junxi Zhang, Brendon Jiang, Katherine Wu, Yanqiao Huang, Bruce Zhang

Parent on duty (4.5 hours): Jiangong N. (Jonathan/Matthew), Erica Jiang (Christy/Alvin)

Updated: June 5, 2024 — 3:26 pm

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