Riverside County AYLUS Members Create and Donate Homeless Bags in December 2023

During the winter month, RCA members decided to work on serving the homeless population. Several RCA members created homeless bags by gathering items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, hygiene pads, protein bars, handwarmers, tea, coffee, socks, scarfs and more. The items were organized and packed and filled with a handwritten card created by the members. The bags were then dropped off at the local homeless outreach center. Many people have been struggling living paycheck to paycheck, and more people have become homeless due to the rise in inflation. By creating these bags, the group wants to help those who have been unfortunate by providing some essentials and uplifting words.


12/02 Nicholas Navarro, Sophie Chung, Khang Tran, Robert Tran, Michael Brown
3 hrs. each

12/07 Alyssa Paulsen and Kayla Paulsen 2 hrs. each

12/09 Nicholas Navarro, Sophie Chung, Khang Tran, Robert Tran 1 hr. each


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