AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Bayard Cutting Arboretum on 09/26/2023 (statepark18)

On 09/26, AYLUS Great Neck Branch went to Bayard Cutting Arboretum to participate in an active day of gardening. It is the New York State parks recreation center’s 18th visit to the garden, and the garden was considerably different when we first came. It is now flourishing and even more vibrant. We eliminated invasive species such as freg mighties, iris mugwort, and porcelain berry, making room for native plants that we plan to add. Our focus was on creating clean edges and providing space for native species like sclupies, milkweed, mordies, and monards.

Our team cut and dug out freg mighties, an invasive species that had infested the garden. We carefully removed these unwelcome plants from the garden’s soil, and this process involved using various gardening tools to cut down the freg mighties and then meticulously digging out their roots to ensure they wouldn’t regrow and threaten the garden’s biodiversity.

This visit reiterated the idea that gardens are always a work in progress, and we realized the importance of constantly removing invasive species while adding native plants to create a balanced ecosystem.

members participated:(2.5h)

1. I-Han liao
2. Lucas liao
3. Mohan Kalia
4. Zoe Xia
5. Joyce Zhang
6. Fanxi Xia
7. Jaden Liu
8. Feier Xu

9. Katie Wang


Updated: June 3, 2024 — 11:36 pm

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