Great Neck Volunteers at Sunken Meadow State Park 9/9/2023(statepark17)

On 9/9, AYLUS Great Neck Branch went to Sunken Meadow State Park for a volunteering activity focused on garden restoration and native plant propagation. Our objective of the day was to clear overgrown areas, removing invasive non-native plants like mugworts, in order to create space for new, native plant species. These native plants were carefully selected for their pollinator-friendly attributes, including daisy flee-bang, cone flower, and butterfly weed. 

We followed the process of garden planting: weeding, digging holes, watering, placing plants in the holes, covering with soil, and watering again. An accident we encountered was when a member accidentally dug too hard and struck a water pipe. As a result, water gushed out, and she ended up getting wet. This incident served as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of outdoor projects. 

One of the highlights was when our team encountered a beehive during the project and we were able to get close to the beehive without getting stung. It is a valuable lesson about the importance of preserving habitats for these crucial insects. 

Members Participated (2.5h): Zoe Xia, Feier Xu, I-Han liao, Lucas liao

Updated: June 3, 2024 — 11:36 pm

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