AYLUS Syosset volunteers at Linpi( long island natural park initiative) 8/31/2023

On 8/29/2023 members of AYLUS Syosset branch volunteered at brentwood LINPI ( long island natural park initiative) green house to help plot down plants such as white snake-root and button-bush. Most of the plants had yellow leaves and wilting behaviors because they weren’t watered for a day. It is very important that we take great care of the plants and bring back the green inside them. White snake-root is an plant that cures diarrhea, kidney stones, and fever. Button-bush is a plant that can be used in many different scenarios like washes for sore eyes, anti-inflammation agents, anti-inflammation and rheumatism medications, skin astringents, headache and fever relievers, and venereal disease remedies.

Members who participated:

4Hour :Suiwai li & Suiying li, Xuanming Liu &Xuanyu Liu, Rita Bao, haodong wang & haohua wang Canwen Wei


Updated: September 4, 2023 — 11:40 am

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