On 8/26/2023 members of AYLUS Syosset branch volunteered at brentwood LINPI ( long island natural park initiative) green house to help plot down plants such as white snake-root and button-bush. Some of the plants had yellow leaves and wilting behaviors. It is very important that we take great care of the plants and bring back the green inside them. White snake-root is an plant that cures diarrhea, kidney stones, and fever. Button-bush is a plant that can be used in many different scenarios like washes for sore eyes, anti-inflammation agents, anti-inflammation and rheumatism medications, skin astringents, headache and fever relievers, and venereal disease remedies.
Members who participated
4Hours: Suiwai li & Suiying li (10am-2pm), Sarah Chen(10am-2pm),Rayya Zheng & Reyna Zheng (10am-2pm),Sofie Chang & Sonia Chang (10am-2pm), Tracy Xu (10am-2pm), Xihan Zhang 9th haodong wang (10am-2pm)haohua wang (10am-2pm)\
3hours: Nichole Huang 11-2 Sonia Huang 11-2 Isabella Huang 11-2