Frisco and Plano Branch present Libraries with Love to an audience January 15th, 2023

Reported by Bruce Wu

On January 15, 2023, five members of the AYLUS Frisco & Plano branch shared the Libraries with Love project with 40 people along with encouraging new members to join AYLUS .

The mission of Libraries with Love is to help other realize the necessity of quality education and help children in economically disadvantaged areas who may not have access to such resources.

Treasuring the Trash art show is a way for people to use things that they throw away on a regular basis, such as milk cartons, Styrofoam, and nut shells, and try to create it into a beautiful masterpiece. The goal of this show is trying to encourage others to recycle more by turning it into useful things in life.

The AYLUS Frisco & Plano Branch went on stage at CCCFC to tell people about the mission of Libraries with Love and use the books collected to help build libraries for children in Africa. You can visit to learn more and email if you have unused books you would like to donate to help build libraries. They also explained other ways to join AYLUS so others could have opportunities to earn service hours. Adding on to that note, they found more participants in the Treasuring the Trash art show.

Bruce Wu – 2 hours for organizing the event and explaining onstage

Brandi Wu – 1 hour for setup and explaining onstage

Chloe Lin – 1 hour for setup and explaining onstage

Natalie Lin – 1 hour for setup and explaining onstage

Daniel Wang – 1 hour for setup

Updated: January 19, 2023 — 4:19 am

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