Columbus holds Leadership Project Brainstorm and Planning Meeting (9/5/2022)

Note: Planing meetings are not considered volunteering, no hours for the participants.

On 9/5/2022, Columbus branch leaders held a brainstorm and planning meeting.

They first summarized the events in the month of August:

      1. Irish Festival
        1. Big success
        2. Lots of volunteers & hours
          1. Katie and Estella went on the City of Dublin Instagram
      2. Senior Star: Rachel
        1. Lots of new members!
        2. Really trying to have people introduce themselves
        3. Planning to begin implementing changes next week
        4. Poster board/whiteboard for song requests
          1. Make sure someone from the team has it for every MFY
        5. Time: Sunday afternoons every 2 weeks
      3. Alzheimer’s Walk
        1. Closed signups (a lot of participants)
        2. Walk is 09/25
        3. Not sure how many people have picked up/finished posters already
        4. WeChat reminder in the next week

Then, the leaders discussed in detail some upcoming events for September and early October

      1. Alzheimer’s Walk
        1. Closed signups (a lot of participants)
        2. Walk is 09/25
        3. Not sure how many people have picked up/finished posters already
        4. Wechat reminder in the next week
      2. Meeting with Food Pantry
        1. Scheduled for Wednesday 09/07
        2. No confirmation yet? May or may not happen
        3. Tentatively at Scioto Park (5:00-7:00?)
      3. Dublin Food Pantry “Founders Event”: Craft Table
        1. Scheduled for 10/02
        2. 11:00-4:00 in Downtown Dublin (event is from 12:00-6:00)
        3. Picked out several crafts for them to choose from
        4. Haven’t gotten back to us yet about specific crafts
        5. Decide on number of members needed
      4. Trash collecting at Indian Run Falls
        1. Andrea reached out to Shannon
        2. May take a while for response (long weekend/Irish Festival cleanup)
        3. Hopefully more details in the next two weeks
      5. Water quality monitoring
        1. Evan & Rachel are planning to meet for retraining in September
        2. Will start bringing the whole group out afterwards
        3. Small group training & testing every 2 weeks or so
          1. Local ponds, rivers, etc
          2. Must be in Dublin
      6. Instagram
        1. A few posts so far, decent amount of followers
        2. Possible upcoming posts: Senior Star
      7. Placemats 
        1. September placemats
        2. Andrea will send out soon
      8. Soles4Souls
        1. Brenna will talk to Mr. Aurin about putting a box/bin in school
        2. Collect donations for a while, see how much we get
        3. Packing events after we get some donations
      9. Spooktacular
        1. Max will reach out for details
        2. Similar to Irish Fest: AYLUS members sign up through City of Dublin
      10. Tutoring
      1. Got an email from OneDublin about tutoring opportunities
        1. Haven’t heard back so far
        2. Maybe follow up in the next couple weeks? (Brenna or Dakun)
      2. Andrea reached out to Wright Elementary
        1. We have principal’s contact information
        2. Will also follow up with him in the next few weeks
      3. Trying to start some programs earlier, not too late into the school year
      4. Subjects to focus on?
        1. STEM: Math, basic CS/computer skills, etc
        2. English/languages (especially for ESL students)
        3. Keep our options open
      5. Would be great if we can get something consistent going
        1. Active, regular
        2. Less arts-focused 

11. Other Organizations

      1. OCCS (Rachel): Mid-Autumn Festival, Lunar New Year
      2. AYU (Andrea): Diwali (10/21), LNY (01/20), Eid (04/21)
  • Next Steps
      1. Andrea: September placemats, follow up with Shannon (trash collecting) & Wright Elementary (tutoring)
      2. Rachel: Senior Star post, new SS ideas (interactive), check with OCCS events
      3. Evan: water quality retraining (with Rachel)
      4. Brenna: reach out to Aurin about S4S, food pantry meeting, craft table, tutoring follow up?
      5. Catherine: Alzheimer’s Walk organization
      6. Max: Spooktacular/Halloween events
  • Next meeting: Saturday, October 01 @ 10:00 AM


Updated: September 10, 2022 — 8:28 pm

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