AYLUS Great Neck Volunteered at Firefighter Park for Special Need Kids on 3/7/2025(24th)

AYLUS Great Neck Volunteered at Firefighter Park for Special Need Kids on March 7th, 2025(24th)

On March 7th, 2025, volunteers in AYLUS started a weekly sports activities program that will continue over the course of this year. On the day of the program, 5 volunteers showed up, each bringing a variety of sports for special needs kids to choose from. This includes badminton, football, table tennis, and jump ropes. We first had fun playing table tennis. And we enjoyed some peaceful time sitting on the benches overlooking the park. That day was particularly windy. The trees swayed and as the grasses nodded their heads, we found that this weather is not suitable for most of the sports we brought. So we utilize the amazing facility of the park. We played tag on the mini playground, and enjoyed some pass time on the swings. Overall, the program is delightful to both the volunteers and the kids. Not only did the kids get to open up and socialize with different people, we all took a step back and enjoyed the beauty of mother nature.

Report by: Yucheng Fu

Volunteers: Yucheng Fu, Baiyu Chen, Jason Huang, Isla Zheng, Jerry Li

Hours:(4:30-5:30pm) 1 hour


Updated: March 10, 2025 — 1:16 am

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