AYLUS West Essex volunteers Livingston MLK Day on 1/20/2025

On January 20th, West Essex AYLUS hosted a table to collect pet supplies for Jersey Care Animal Shelters as well as a table to make cards for hospitalized kids at Martin Luther King Day to contribute to Livingston’s annual Day of Service Event. 

On January 20, the Livingston Committee for Diversity and Inclusion (LCDI) hosted the 26th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, bringing the community together to honor Dr. King’s legacy of service and equality. Despite snowy and cold weather, nearly 400 Livingston residents participated in a variety of acts of service and kindness. Many organizations conducted service projects and several speakers shared thoughts on equality and peace. The LCDI expressed gratitude toward the following organizations “for their outstanding contributions” to this year’s event:

Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States (West Essex Chapter) — Crafted 122 cards for hospitalized kids and collected yarn donations to create winter hats for babies

West Essex members: 

2.5 hours: Aily Wei, Alyssa Zhang, Ella Chai, Jasper Cheng, Yichen Tang, Michael Jiang, Justin Wang, Leo Xiao; 3 hours: Sophia Chen, Daniel Zheng, Samuel Xue, Zachary Sun, Kenneth Wu; 2 hours: Jason Dong, Alan Li, Calvin Cheng, Samantha Yin, Alex Dong, Maxwell Kim, Carson Yu, Ethan Liu, Jeffery Yang; 3.5 hours: Forest Yang; 4 hours: Zoe Leung; 5 hours: Ethan Yang, Kailey Kwan; 6 hours: Evan Yang; 1 hour: Orion Lee

Updated: February 2, 2025 — 4:23 am

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