Reported by Jenny Lin
Posted by Jenny Wang
On Tuesday afternoon, January 21st, 5 AYLUS volunteers—as well as their parents—gathered at an AYLUS leader’s house to package 4000 cotton candy cones for future use. Firstly, everyone had to wear gloves to keep from getting the cones dirty and protect our hands from paper cuts. Secondly, the cones had to be separated from the pre-packaged stacks they came in, so volunteers separated into different jobs. We decided to form groups of 3-4 people. Some separated the cones, and others gathered them into large bags. After an hour had passed—and through everyone’s hard work and efficiency—we were left with several large bags of cones. These would be enough to sustain many more cotton candy fundraising events in the coming months!
Jenny Lin 2 hours (event leader)
Cheng Jing Lee 1 hour
DingWei Tsai 1 hour
Yu-Kai Hung 1 hour
Yu-Hsuan Hung 1 hour