AYLUS Greater Memphis Create Holiday Cards for Seniors 12/14

Over the past few weeks, AYLUS Greater Memphis members have been hard at work creating 41 holiday cards for the elderly. These cards will be handed out after our concert on the same day, with some extras planned for distribution next week. Each card earned members 0.5 service hours, highlighting their creativity and dedication to spreading joy during the holiday season.

List of Volunteers and Cards Made:

  1. Cece Gao: 4 cards (2 hours)
  2. Joshua Dong: 4 cards (2 hours)
  3. Yvonne Ge: 2 cards (1 hour)
  4. Phoebe Miao: 4 cards (2 hours)
  5. Abbie Miao: 4 cards (2 hours)
  6. Maggie Miao: 4 cards (2 hours)
  7. Mia Gao: 4 cards (2 hours)
  8. Dominic Gao: 4 cards (2 hours)
  9. Amanda Xiao: 3 cards (1.5 hours)
  10. Amira Zhan: 2 cards (1 hour)
  11. Poppy Wang: 4 cards (2 hours)
  12. Harrison Xiao: 4 cards (2 hours)

Total Contributions:

  • 41 cards created!
  • 20.5 service hours awarded collectively.



Updated: December 15, 2024 — 4:30 am

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