Syosset AYLUS Organization volunteered at Caleb Smith State Park Reserve 11/30/24

Reported by Jonathan Bao

On 11/30/24, members of AYLUS Syosset participated in a volunteer service project at Caleb Smith State Park. We focused on environmental conservation, specifically targeting invasive species removal and maintaining the park’s natural ecosystem. Some members started off in their garden, removing garlic mustard, an invasive plant that poses a significant threat to the ecosystem. Since garlic mustard has no natural predators they outcompete native plants for resources, reducing biodiversity. While members were working on removing garlic mustard the rest of our members tackled piles of thorny vegetation, clearing pathways and reducing overgrowth. We not only contributed to the preservation of a beautiful local park but also learned more about the impact of invasive species on ecosystems.

Members that participated include (All 2.5 hours): Jonathan Bao, Ziqi Xu, Katharine, Kingston Lu, Anson Ye, Vincent Ye,, Michael Qiao, David Guo, Aaron Wong, Yuqi Nie

Updated: November 30, 2024 — 7:21 pm

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