Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Food Bank (65th) (11/26/2024)

Reported by Jessica Lu :

On November 26th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members helped their local food bank.
Since Thanksgiving break finally arrived, members decided to go help out at the food bank. Some things had changed since the last time they came during the summer so members took a few minutes to familiarize themselves with the layout of the building before heading to the back area to help sort. The warehouse manager announced that this was the first time in history that they received so much food during one of their food drives! As more and more people came to help sort, it became very crowded so members had to be careful when carrying heavy stuff. When each crate was full, members would carry it to the back of the room and continue sorting. Members took a break in between, getting a light snack to refuel themselves. They continued to sort as much as they could for the remainder of their time there. At the end, members washed their hands and said goodbye.

Volunteers :

Aiying  Lu : 5.5 hrs 

Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu / Jessica Lu / Yuan(Ann) Yin / Audrey Hsieh / Ethan Hsieh / Allison Hsieh : 8 am – 12:30 pm / 4.5 hrs ea

Updated: December 22, 2024 — 3:51 am

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