Greater Princeton & Far Beyond AYLUS Supports Community First Responders (33rd) at Plainsboro Rescue Squad in November 2024

In November, the Greater Princeton & Far Beyond Branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued its holiday greeting event to first aid and rescue squads, firefighters, police officers, and so many real heroes in our community, who sacrifice a lot to save lives, and deserve our honor and respect, especially in this holiday season.

The Plainsboro Rescue Squad is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is funded entirely by tax-exempt voluntary contributions from individuals and organizations. Also known as Station 100, we are the 911 Emergency Medical Service of the township of Plainsboro NJ. With highly trained EMTs and state-of-the-art ambulances, Station 100 responds to all 911 calls on medical emergencies, assisting the police department and the fire department to provide life-saving care to the sick and the injured. Everything from the ambulances to uniforms, bandages, and medical oxygen is paid for by donations and charitable grants.

Led by Stephanie Liao (11/23, 5-7 pm, 2 hrs), GPA members (11/23, 6-7 pm, 1 hr for all) Erick Yan, Kristine Wang, Christopher Ren, prepared best wishing cards, collected donation items, joined for the event and delivered the gifts to the real heroes at Plainsboro Rescue Squad (621 Plainsboro Rd).



Updated: January 3, 2025 — 7:48 pm

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