Greater Princeton & Far Beyond AYLUS Supports Community First Responders (27th) at West Windsor Police Department in November 2024

In November, the Greater Princeton & Far Beyond Branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued its holiday greeting event to first aid and rescue squads, firefighters, police officers, and so many real heroes in our community, who sacrifice a lot to save lives, and deserve our honor and respect, especially in this holiday season.

The mission of the West Windsor Township Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in the Township of West Windsor by working cooperatively with the public and within the framework of the U.S. Constitution to enforce the laws, preserve the peace, reduce fear and provide for a safe environment. 

In an effort to protect the citizens of West Windsor Township, we shall vigorously work to prevent and detect crime. We shall enforce the laws of this state in an unbiased manner and we shall strive to maintain order. 

We have a sincere commitment to serve our culturally, racially and religiously diverse community. Accordingly, we shall strive to deliver our service with sensitivity, compassion and empathy. We shall always do our best to improve the quality of life for the citizens of West Windsor Township.

Led by Erick Yan (11/10, 10am-12 pm, 2 hrs), GPA members (11/10, 11am-12 pm, 1 hr for all) Ethan Wang, Gloria Wang, Emma Lin, Lucy Li, and Jinhao Zhang prepared best wishing cards, collected donation items, joined for the event and delivered the gifts to the real heroes at West Windsor Police Department (20 Municipal Drive).



Updated: January 3, 2025 — 7:37 pm

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