East Cobb AYLUS volunteers in local Senior Center and tutoring June,July 2024

This program’s goal is to provide English guidance to the elderly who do not know much English. By helping these elderly improve their English, the goal is to make communication smoother and life easier for them.
The sessions had the use of educational material targeted specifically for ESL seniors. Volunteers explained what each words meant and how to use it in the context of a sentence, and demonstrated proper pronunciation.
The sessions were hosted over both zoom video and face to face.
Participants and Hours
Jonathan Lu 2 hours (7/23/2024, 7/30/2024)
Albert Zhang 1 hour (7/23/2024)
Alan Sun 1 hour (7/30/2034)
Yuxiang Bruce Ren 12 hours (6/1/2024, 6/2/2024, 6/22/2024,6/23/2024,7/6/2024, 7/7/2024,7/20/2024,7/21/2024)

Updated: August 27, 2024 — 6:39 pm

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