AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteers at Steppingstone Park (14th) 8/25/24

On a beautiful Sunday morning, 8 volunteers from the volunteer program AYLUS arrived at Steppingstone Park to help clean up the park. The volunteers split up into 4 groups, and each group was given their own area to clean. They weeded out the flower beds, picked up loose trash, and removed dead branches on the ground. Countless pieces of ice cream bars, plastic cups and candy wrappers were removed from benches and flowers. Before they started each member was given gloves, trowels and garbage bags to aid them in cleaning up. After around one hour and thirty minutes of landscaping and working in the sun, the groups came back to take a break and share the progress they had made. The park was quite busy that day, and many locals showed appreciation to the hard work that was being done.

By cleaning up the park and weeding out invasive vines, the volunteers helped the flower beds flourish to see another day. With the upcoming concert coming up later in the day, the efforts they made will definitely make coming to Steppingstone Park a more fun and appealing experience. Without the sight of trash, visitors can stroll through the garden near the fountain and experience nature’s beauty. Hopefully visitors can take the volunteers at AYLUS by example and also help keep the park clean. By spending time tidying up the park not only do people make it a better experience for them, but also for the people around them.

Reporter: Jake Wu

Jerry Li
Cody Ngo
Fanxi Xia
Yushi Peng
Jake Wu
Joyce Zhang
Brenda Roman
Wenya Zhang

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Updated: August 27, 2024 — 7:06 pm

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