Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (78th) ( 8/25/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao :

On August 25, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS helped local senior centers.
Arriving while the seniors were enjoying some music, the volunteers planned out a light exercise and began preparing a snack. After exercise, the seniors were given fig newtons, juice, and waters, with some cups being thickened and cutting up some of the newtons for residents that couldn’t eat on their own. They helped some of the residents drink and eat, and conversed with some of the new residents and their families. They also took turns taking a few of the residents on walks outside to get some sunshine, before holding a small word game. Afterwards, the residents were taken to lunch.

Volunteers :

Wei Liu / Bill Chen / Adora Xiao / Caien(Daisy) Chen : 9:50 am – 11:50 am / 2 hrs ea

Reported by Jessica Lu :

On August 25th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members helped out with the seniors.
The ice cream parlor had lots of people with a line going all the way to the library. Seniors awaited members and then greeted them with lots of love. Members played songs that they requested from the previous week before taking new song requests. In between pieces, the seniors would talk to members, asking about their piano history. At the end, members hugged seniors goodbye before signing out.

Aiying Lu : 2 hrs 

Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu / Jessica Lu : 2 pm – 3:30 pm / 1.5 hrs ea

Updated: August 28, 2024 — 6:01 am

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