AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families Through NOSH Delivery! Food Pantry (21th) on August 15, 2024

On Thursday, August 15th, 2024, from 9am to 1pm, the AYLUS Roslyn branch volunteered with NOSH Delivers, a non-profit organization based in Glen Cove dedicated to aiding individuals facing food insecurity. This organization aims to provide nutritious meals and an adequate amount of groceries to hundreds of families, positively impacting the lives of many. 

Today, we contributed to a variety of activities. We began by preparing numerous grocery bags, ensuring that each item was within its expiration date. Next, we were instructed to move boxes of goods and restock the shelves in anticipation of future customers. Later, we participated in creating and decorating lunch and breakfast bags filled with snacks and meals. We also sorted through additional boxes of goods to ensure that everything we restocked was in good condition. Simultaneously, we also assisted customers who patiently waited in line for food and supplies. Finally, we helped clean up the facility and made final preparations.

Aiding NOSH in fulfilling their goal of providing for the community was a remarkable and enlightening experience. By working together, we gained a deeper understanding of how essential organizations like NOSH are in improving the lives of many. We witnessed firsthand the positive impact our actions had on individuals and families as we collaborated with other volunteers. We look forward to future experiences and activities with this organization. 

Members Who Participated:

Nancy Sethi ( 4 hours ) and Kacie Li ( 4 hours )

Reporter: Nancy Sethi

Updated: August 18, 2024 — 7:49 am

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