San Diego Branch Hosted Used Books Donation Event on July 31, 2024

Reported by Andrew Zhou

During the month of July, San Diego members of AYLUS organized a “Donate Your Used Books for Charity Sale.” The goal of this event is to raise funds to support the Libraries With Love program, providing children in Africa with more opportunities to read books, while also offering the community fun and entertaining books along with numerous textbooks for academics.

By July 31, we collected over 200 books, including AP test prep books, SAT/ACT prep books, textbooks, storybooks, and many children’s books.

The following 28 AYLUS members participated in the Used Books Donation, with 1.5 volunteer hours for each:

Andrew Zhou,  Ganning Ye,  Philip Zhang, Yifan Ren,  Eric Liang,  Ayden Liang,  Jessica Chen, Riley Yiu,  Derek Chen ,  Sarah Chen,  Eric Xie,  Serena Liu,  Bruce Xiao,  Andy Zhong,    Jessica Sun,  Richard Chen,  Angie Hu,  Derek Ying,  Zoe Ying,  Brianna Zhang, Brianna Chu, Felicity Chu,  Maxwell Yang,  Andrew Chen,  Emily Chen, Lauren Kan,  Max Yang and Gavin Zheng.




Updated: August 3, 2024 — 7:17 pm

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