AYLUS Cheshire Branch Collects Bottles for Bottle Drive – 07/28/24

Reported by: Valerie Zheng
On July 28th, 2024, AYLUS Cheshire Branch hosted a Bottle Drive Fundraiser at the Cheshire High School entrance. Volunteers were stationed to help receive bottles from any donors and collect them into piles. Branch leaders coordinated with local information outlets such as through Facebook and Wechat groups in order to organize the event and advertise it to potential donors. Thank you to everyone who donated to us! It means a lot to our organization that you could help us meet our fundraiser goal. Below are some pictures of the event:

Valerie Zheng: 2
Jeffrey Yam: 2
Lucas Du: 2
Alvan Liu: 2

Updated: August 1, 2024 — 1:24 am

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