Chapel Hill Branch Host a Winter Clothing Drive on November 30, 2023

Prepare to share the warmth this winter! The Chapel Hill Branch successfully organized a Clothing Donation Drive on November 30, 2023, to assist those facing hardships in obtaining winter clothing. Our members gathered gently used winter clothes such as coats, sweaters, and various school-appropriate jackets, shirts, and other items suitable for kids and families in need of warmth this winter. All collected items were promptly donated to the local Donation Center on November 30th, ensuring that our community receives the support it needs during the colder months.


The volunteers that participated in this event were: Nicholas Wang (2 hours), Grace Gao (2 hours), Eric Sun (2 hours), Matthew Guo (2 hours), Andrew Zhao (2 hours), and Andy Sun (2 hours).



Reported by Luna Chen

Updated: December 1, 2023 — 10:01 pm

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