East Aylus Pittsburgh Group Volunteers At Food Bank (August 15th+16th)

The East Aylus Pittsburgh Group participated in two days of volunteering at the local food bank on August 15th and August 16th. On August 15th, the task for the day was to sort various types of bread items into boxes for distribution. The process involved inspecting each bread item for quality and proper packaging. We then carefully filled the boxes ensuring an even distribution of bread types to provide variety to recipients. The following day, August 16, we were tasked with packaging lemons. The packaging process involved carefully selecting lemons, inspecting them for quality, and placing 12 lemons into each small bags. This attention to detail ensured that recipients would receive fresh and healthy produce. The second task of the day was packing water, juices, and energy drinks into boxes. This task was completed quickly and efficiently.

volunteers: Joshua Chen, Eliot Chen, Evan Chen (all 4 hours [2 hours a day])


Updated: August 17, 2023 — 1:12 am

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