AYLUS Queens Branch Volunteered at the Kehilat Food Pantry on 8/13/23

On August 13th, the Queens Branch volunteered at the Kehilat Sephardim Food Pantry from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Our goal today was to help combat hunger in the local Jewish and immigrant communities by offering Kosher and assorted goods through an open market and client choice system. This setup allowed clients to select food items for themselves and their families. We divided into different roles: some prepared items like carrots, corn, watermelons, grapes, and red peppers; others distributed the kosher food from the Kehilat Pantry, and some collected breakfast from a nearby temple for those in line. As the line grew, we assisted people with check-in, inputting their phone numbers into the computer system, ensuring they had signed up in advance for breakfast, kosher produce, or both.


Members who participated (3 hours): Jonathan Kwok, Tiffany Lu, Vicky Wang, Kenneth Tucker, Luna Jang, Annabelle Lin, Emily Ma, Brian Lin

Updated: August 14, 2023 — 2:10 am

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