Chapel Hill Branch Prepares Kits to Heart Packages on April 30, 2023

During the month of April, four members of the AYLUS Chapel Hill branch once again created an assortment of handmade crafts for Kits To Heart. Although final assessments and projects plagued many members, our branch was still able to dedicate hours to designing beautiful crafts ranging from wearables such as bracelets to linguistic mediums like journals and cards. Our members understand the importance of gifts to those who need them during times of hardship, and collaborating with Kits To Heart has only furthered this understanding. The experience has also permitted us to express ourselves artistically through learning new designs and patterns for our crafts, all while putting a smile on someone’s face. Ultimately, our members are beyond grateful for the opportunity to give back to our community. We realize that our partnership with Kits To Heart has been incredibly rewarding. and we truly look forward to collaborating with them again in the future!

Volunteers who participated in this event are Kathryne Hong (5.5 hrs), Eric Sun (3.75 hrs), and Matthew Guo (5 hrs)


Reported by Kathryne Hong

Updated: May 3, 2023 — 3:20 am

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