Chapel Hill Branch Volunteers to Clean Up Mills Springs Greenway on Mar 6, 2023

Ethan Li, Joshua Yoon, Kathryne Hong, and Nicholas Wang, members of the Aylus Chapel Hill Branch, volunteered their time and efforts to clean up the Mills Springs Greenway on March 6th. The team spent two hours picking up trash and debris from the trail, including plastic bottles, food wrappers, and other litter. Our efforts helped beautify the trail but also contributed to a cleaner environment for local wildlife and surrounding ecosystems. By volunteering their time and energy, Ethan, Nicholas, Kathryne, and Joshua exemplified Aylus’s values and made a positive impact in their local community. Their dedication to service and environmental stewardship is commendable and their actions serve as an inspiration for others to get involved and make a difference in their communities.


Volunteers who participated in this event are Ethan Li (2 hours), Joshua Yoon (2.5 hours), Kathryne Hong (2 hours), and Nicholas Wang (2 hours).


Reported by Joshua Yoon



Updated: March 21, 2023 — 11:21 pm

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