On the 25th of November 2022, AYLUS volunteers learned how to play bucket drums to prepare for the performance with special needs at the upcoming Lunar New Year Gala. They will be playing onstage the song Wavin’ Flag jointly with SMILE participants from the Special Needs Care Center. The Nov. 25th session was an introductory lesson in which AYLUS volunteers learned the basics of drumming. Ms. Sharon Chen, the director of SMILE, led and taught everyone how to proficiently use the drums. Everyone had fun and learned a lot in a short session. The AYLUS volunteers will learn the song and practice in their own time and will practice together with SMILE during the winter break. On Jan 21st’s Pearland Chinese New Year Gala AYLUS and SMILE will jointly play drumming on stage.
Volunteers (1.5 hours): Derek Zhu, Aila Jiang, Tina Dong, Erica Gao, Haoqi Zhang, Kyle Healy, and Alexander Healy.
Reported by Alexander Healy