On Saturday, September 27, the east Pittsburgh AYLUS branch helped lay fresh mulch over a children’s playground at a local church. The mulch mainly was to protect the children who play there in case they fall from a high place or even just from falling when running. The process of laying the mulch was simple but tedious. We started laying the mulch at 2:00P.M. First, we searched and collected small rocks that could penetrate the tarp that we would later lay on top of the playground. After that, we laid a blue tarp over the playground. Sometimes the tarp wasn’t the right size to fit some of the tight spaces so we had to cut it into the right size. As we laid the tarp, we wasted no time and began shoveling the mountain of fresh mulch we had ordered, into a wheel barrel and wheeled the mulch onto the playground to pour. On the playground, we had a someone that evenly spread the mulch out over the playground. This event took about 3 hours in total to complete.

participants: Eliot Chen(3 hours) Joshua Chen(2.5 hours) Quan Tian(3 hours)

Updated: October 2, 2022 — 2:25 am

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