AYLUS Pearland Tutoring at ED White Elementary, October 1st, 2022

AYLUS Pearland volunteers continued the 2022-2023 school year tutoring session at Ed
White Elementary School on October 1st, 2022, to teach students subjects including
reading and math. Different volunteers worked on different activities like playing games
involved with math or reading. Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders were all taught by
suitable volunteers. Some students prefer being taught in Chinese and were even taught by
bilingual volunteers capable of communing in Chinese. Midway through volunteering snacks
were offered to everyone to refresh and reenergize everyone. Afterward, tutoring continued.
The tutoring was a great way for the students of E.D White to review or learn material and
engage in fun activities.

The volunteers at the event were (4 hours): Erica Gao, Allison Xia, Grace Dai, Ruiti He,
Kara Li, Anna Zheng, Andrew Du, Taylor Chan, Shaotan Liu, and Alexander Healy.

Reported by: Alexander Healy

Updated: May 8, 2023 — 12:26 am

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