AYLUS Greater Triangle 9/17/2022Volunteers Serve the Community at North Carolina Dragon Boat Festival

The North Carolina Dragon Boat Festival, held on September 17th, 2022 in Cary, NC, brought together participants from diverse backgrounds for an exciting day of dragon boat races. Among the volunteers present at the event were members of the Aylus volunteer group, who worked tirelessly to ensure the festival ran smoothly.

Sky Tianyi Han, YuanDuoli, and Yuyan Sun Ria wu were responsible for ensuring the safety of the boats and racers by docking the boats and providing assistance as needed. Meanwhile,Ria wu other Aylus volunteers provided sign-in services for the performers on the main stage, Aiden Guo while others were in charge of setting up chairs for the audience and keeping the festival grounds clean.
Due to the large number of spectators at the event, there were not enough volunteers to cover all necessary positions. Aylus volunteers stepped up and stayed behind after the races ended to help clean up the festival grounds. They worked tirelessly into the night and did not return home until late.

As a community service organization, Aylus volunteers believe in the importance of fostering unity and understanding between different cultures. Sky Tianyi Han expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to participate in the festival, saying, “It’s an honor to be able to serve our community in this way. We’re proud to be part of an event that brings people together to celebrate our differences.”

The festival was a celebration of Chinese culture and tradition, with performances, food, and crafts representing the rich heritage of China. The dragon boat races were a particular highlight, with teams from different parts of the country showcasing their skills and sportsmanship.

As the festival drew to a close, Aylus volunteers reflected on their contributions to the event and the community at large. By volunteering their time and energy, they helped to ensure that the festival was a success and that attendees had a memorable experience. The North Carolina Dragon Boat Festival served as a reminder of the power of community service and the importance of coming together to celebrate our shared values.

Sky Tianyi Han,:(16hours)     

YuanDuo li,:(16hours)     

Yuyan Sun:(16hours)     

Ria wu :(16hours)             

 Aiden Guo  :(16hours)     

jianhui  jia

Updated: May 10, 2023 — 11:39 pm

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